Jazz Jennings Talks About Eating Disorder And Weight Gain!

Jazz Jennings
Jazz Jennings

Jazz Jennings finally opens up and talks about eating disorders and weight gain. Jazz Jennings recently posted a picture. She captioned the picture as beautiful in every size and shape. She posted this picture after talking about the substantial weight which she gained after struggling with the disorder of binge-eating. Jennings finally opens about her battle with the disorder of binge-eating after she gained substantial weight following this disorder. 

Jazz Jennings Decides To Change Her Ways And Take Initiative!

On Friday, the activist for transgenders, now twenty years old posted some after and before pictures. In the pictures, she shared that she has managed to gain around a hundred pounds within two years or less. She held herself accountable and has decided to change. On her Instagram account, she wrote that during the last few years, she has managed to gain substantial weight following her disorder. Jazz Jennings talked about how she is suffering from the disorder of binge-eating. This disorder is a disease that makes a person addicted to food and makes him/her eat large quantities of it. She has been taking a lot of meds and that has increased her appetite. 

Thereby she has managed to gain around a hundred pounds within two years or less. Jazz Jennings added that she is sharing this picture because she wants to hold herself accountable and address her weight gain. The disorder of binge-eating is a treatable, life-threatening, and severe eating disorder. According to the Association of Eating Disorder, this is the most popular eating disorder across the US. Jennings wrote that she is ready and trying to change her ways but finds that she is running out of options while doing that. She appears to be ready for creating positive changes and taking this initiative which will make positive changes to her body and health.