Laura Prepon Recounts Her Difficult Decision To Terminate Her Pregnancy: Orange Is The New Black Actress Speaks Of Her Worst Days

Laura Prepon

Laura Prepon speaks of one of her life’s most difficult decisions when she had to terminate a pregnancy during her third trimester. Her doctors gave her the devastating news that either she would have to terminate her pregnancy or she would end up risking her life.

Prepon says that she had the option to go for the right decision. She says that everyone has her reason for terminating their pregnancy and the reason is just as hard for them as it was for her.

The Orange Is The New Black star opened up about her abortion after the US Supreme Court, enabled by its majority of republican judges, overturned a 50-year-old ruling, the Roe v. Wade case, a regressive move that has attracted condemnation in the US and from around the world.  

The decision on 24 June decimates all constitutional abortion rights and allows individual states to enact legislation to ban the procedure.

Laws against abortion are already in place in 7 American states, including Alabama, Kentucky, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Wisconsin, and South Dakota.

Laura Prepon Spoke Of The Need For Prayers For Women Going Through A Difficult Time

Laura Prepon said that she would pray for all who are forced to go through that difficult decision into which she was forced. She said that she hoped that every woman could get through this challenging period of her life and regain control over her body again. 

Laura Prepon shared a picture of her standing with a rainbow in the background and said that she empathized with every woman who made the most difficult decision of her life.

The decision by the Republican judges of SCOTUS has sent shockwaves across the country, though a lead document a few weeks earlier has portended the evil that was to come. Women’s rights groups, celebrities, politicians, and world leaders condemned the decision.