Lawmakers Who Had Met COVID Positive Rudy Giuliani Now Worried

Rudy Giuliani
Rudy Giuliani

It was stated by the lawmakers that the 76-year-old former New York mayor, Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, despite testing COVID positive has visited the battleground states to attend Trump’s press meeting. On numerous occasions, he has been seen encountering officials without wearing a mask. While President Donald Trump, on Monday, addressed the media saying that Giuliani is “doing very well” after being hospitalized.

Michigan House announced that it has called off its voting session scheduled for Tuesday as Giuliani’s diagnosis continued on Monday. Last week Rudy Giuliani addressed a Republican-led committee in Lansing regarding election irregularities.

Arizona legislature, on Sunday, announced that the Michigan House will be closed for a week considering the risks and concerns relating to COVID- 19. Multiple representatives of the House have requested for the extension of time before returning to the session as they are yet to receive their COVID -19 tests reports. Lee Chatfield, Michigan House Speaker who encountered Giuliani before the hearing said in a statement. “Considering the CDC guidelines which do not allow close contact with anyone, they would not like to keep the public’s life at stake and give their best to maintain public safety. As with the rise of COVID cases in the world, it is sensible”

The health department in Ingham Country said that people who attended the Michigan committee meeting with Rudy Giuliani must quarantine. In George, state Sen. William Ligon Jr, chairman of the subcommittee also urged those who have come in close contact with Giuliani to follow CDC guidelines.

Trump, on Sunday, tweeted about the health of Giuliani stating that he was doing very well with no fever.

The Trump campaign also stated that Rudy Giuliani was tested negative twice before he visited Arizona, Michigan, and Georgia nor did he had any symptoms of COVID- 19 until 48 hours of his return.