Llama, Bagel, and Frisbee: Discover Apple’s New iOS 12.1 Emojis

Llama, Bagel, and Frisbee: Discover Apple’s New iOS 12.1 Emojis

Exciting news: Apple is introducing a llama emoji, along with a raccoon, bagel, frisbee, and mosquito emoji.

The company announced that approximately 70 new emoji will be available for iPhone and iPad users later this month. Those testing the beta or developers who upgrade to iOS 12.1 will have access to these new emoji starting Tuesday.

In addition to the adorable (and bloodsucking) critters, users of iOS 12.1 will also be able to share a bagel, salt, luggage, compass, hiking boot, softball, frisbee, and a traditional Asian Red Gift Envelope with their contacts.

On World Emoji Day in July, Apple previewed new options for bald and redheaded emoji characters, as well as a lobster, cupcake, and superheroes. These additions will also be included in the iOS 12.1 update.

The Unicode Consortium, the nonprofit body responsible for the global emoji standards, released its latest list in February. Each company utilizing emojis makes their own interpretations and selects which options from the master list to implement.

Such interpretations can sometimes spark debate, including Google’s initial misrepresentation of foam on its beer emoji and the unfortunate mixing of ingredients in its hamburger emoji. Both issues have since been resolved.