Mark Cuban, Billionaire Talks About Crypto

Mark Cuban
Mark Cuban

Mark Cuban is an immensely popular billionaire. He has gained widespread attention for his ownership of the team, Dallas Mavericks. His other known projects include the popular television series Shark Tank. But some other people closer to him may also know him for his wild commentary on the cryptocurrency, Bitcoin. He tweeted about the oldest cryptocurrency in the world, after it crossed $40k a couple days ago. His post said that watching the digital coins trade is like seeing the internet stock. His tweet was further notified for having a bearish nature. 

But there was someone already in the comments to denounce that claim. Peter Schiff is a popular skeptic of Bitcoin. He only rubbed more salt into the warm wound. His post read that there was a difference in those internet stocks that Mark Cuban was referring to. Those stocks had actual values. He added that no crypto coins have any sort of value, which denounces their longevity. This is also why the internet stocks lived longer. 

Mark Cuban’s Real Opinion

Mark Cuban’s opinions on Bitcoin matters much more than several people think. He is a thinking mind, and a business influencer. When he says something good or bad about cryptocurrency in general, there will be a spike or a sweep. This is perhaps why people even reacted to his tweet on Wednesday. 

While many may not get their ears around what Mark Cuban actually thinks about Bitcoin, we definitely know he is into blockchains. He spoke in a recent interview about it. He said that one could sell anything on NFTs. This may have been a reference to his Dallas Mavericks. The manganate once said that he would rather have bananas, as he could eat them, against bitcoins. Even though he famously did own Bitcoins, and still does.

He even once tweeted that if bitcoin hits $1 million in prices, he will run for President of the U.S.