Mel Gibson Flamed Over Saluting Donald Trump

mel gibson
mel gibson

On Tuesday, social networks are trending with the name of Mel Gibson. A short viral video is showing Gibson seemingly giving a salute to Donald Trump at UFC 264. Several big-name celebrities were in attendance for the fight between Dustin Poirer and Conor McGregor on 10th July.

Mel Gibson Suffering An Immense Backlash

The video was originally shared on Twitter by The Columbia Bugle, a news outlet with a conservative trend. In the clip, Mel Gibson, the controversial director, and actor gestured to Donald Trump as his team of security personnel whisked him away. The actor’s face was not completely recognizable due to the low quality. However, other clips of the event show Mel Gibson wearing the same shirt with the black collar. Later on, Snopes confirmed his identity and the video’s validity.

Mel Gibson has a reputation for being outspoken. In December 2020, he had chatted about his views on politics in a show on Fox News, hosted by Laura Ingraham. He had said that nobody cares about what he thinks. He did not think himself to be qualified enough to talk about anything in politics since it was not his expertise.

Then he had explained that this was alright. It lent him a kind of anonymity, so while performing he can express himself and be anything. There is not much baggage being carried, so his decision is partly intentional.

Mel Gibson had admitted that he is politically incorrect. However, he equates political correctness with intellectual terrorism. So he refuses to give in to the intimidation and change his mind.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump recently got featured in the headlines again because he filed a lawsuit against Google, Facebook, and Twitter, He accused the sites of infringing on his rights given by the American Constitution since they banned him on the platforms.