More Stimulus Checks Endorsed By Democrat Ilhan Omar

stimulus check
stimulus check

There might be a possibility of the stimulus check payments of 1200 USD to be provided by the federal government every month. This is because of the fact that one of the Congresswomen is trying her best to make it a possibility as a part of the relief in times of the coronavirus pandemic. Ilhan Omar, the Representative belonging to the Democratic Party, is fighting for the money to be provided to the citizens of the United States of America.

Stimulus Check Bill

The Minnesota-based Democratic Representative took to the social media platform, Twitter, in order to voice her concerns with regard to the stimulus check payments. She stated that the country had chosen growth over homeless citizens. And this was something that has been carried out for a very long time.

The healthcare of the citizens has not been looked after adequately. As per the plan endorsed by her, every adult who qualifies for the stimulus check payments will receive a total of 1,200 USD. These federal aid payments will be provided by the officials every month. And every eligible child will receive a total amount of 600 USD on the monthly basis. 

Democratic Ilhan Omar further stated that the coronavirus pandemic has only revealed the true nature of the health and poverty crisis of the country. And it was the duty of every citizen of the country to fight these ongoing crises. To make sure that all citizens have adequate basic facilities like food, healthcare, and housing.

In case the plan gets the approval of the lawmakers, it will lead to the formation of a program, the total amount of which will be 2.5 billion USD. The program will grant the stimulus check payments to the people. The ones who are currently supporting the said bill are Jamaal Bowman, Marie Newman, and Dwight Evans. All of these politicians belong to the Democratic Party.