Most common types of accidents and how to protect yourself from them

Car Insurance
Car Insurance

Injuries are, unfortunately, a standard part of life. No matter how safe and secure you deem your environment to be, whether at home or in the workplace, it’s still more likely than not that you’ll encounter a minor accident at least once in your life. Although the issue could be minor, you might still have to postpone some crucial plans in order to recover well. Therefore, it’s essential to protect your health and safety at all times and ensure you remove hazards from your daily life or, if that’s not feasible, become better equipped to handle them.

However, to know what you must guide yourself against, you must first recognize what the dangers are. Here are some of the most common accidents and how you can avoid falling prey to them.

Slips and trips 

Tripping and falling is arguably one of the most common injuries out there because so many things could cause them. In the workplace, you might fall due to improper flooring or computer cables left at the floor level, as well as spills and inadequate cleaning following spillages. Regardless of the cause, you can reach out to Their solicitors can help you get the maximum compensation you deserve. Since work accidents are likely to cause you to have to get time off work, which might, in turn, result in loss of income, you might also be able to request special damages as well.

This type of injury must be carefully monitored by a health professional due to significant differences in severity. While for some, the only results are hurt pride and maybe a few scrapes and minor bruising, others can deal with loss of consciousness, vomiting or drowsiness. This is especially the case if the brain or spine become injured, and could signify damage to the nervous system. Such wounds are classified as medical emergencies and must be swiftly evaluated by a professional so treatment can be prescribed to prevent any severe health damage.

Even if you believe your injuries are minor and there’s absolutely no cause for concern, you should still visit your physician just to be on the safe side of things. Some problems can remain completely asymptomatic for hours or even days following the accident, at which point your condition may deteriorate rapidly, necessitating emergency intervention.


Spraining your ankle or wrist is a common injury, yet that doesn’t make it any less painful. While these joints are very mobile, damage can still occur if you twist or turn them in an awkward way, causing the ligaments to stretch and become torn. The symptoms depend on the severity of the injury and can include tenderness, restricted movement to the point where you cannot move the joint at all, swelling and bruising.

Most sprains can be treated effectively at home by applying ice at the site of the injury and keeping your ankle or wrist elevated so fluid can drain from the tissue and swelling is prevented or reduced. However, if the symptoms don’t improve, or they become worse, and you begin developing a fever, you should talk to your doctor about additional treatment schemes.

Vehicle accidents

Unfortunately, road accidents remain common throughout the world. In the UK, there are approximately 126,247 traffic collisions each year, accounting for a whopping 346 every day. Car accidents are particularly troublesome because their effects can be nothing short of devastating. While some people are able to emerge virtually unscathed, others have to deal with life-changing injuries as well as the highly damaging effects of anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder. You might even discover that you’re afraid of stepping foot into a car ever again and require therapy to get behind the wheel.

Driving slowly and carefully helps reduce the incidence of road collisions. Being extra careful is important whether you’re a driver or pedestrian. After all, you’re responsible not only for your own safety but for that of the other people on the road as well.


One of the most common types of household injuries is burns. Depending on the type of work you do, however, they can also be common in your workplace environment. Young children and toddlers are highly susceptible to this kind of injury, so they should never be allowed to handle hot foods or beverages on their own. Pots or pans containing heated liquids such as water, oil or soup shouldn’t be left in places where children could reach for them and pull them down, injuring themselves. As a general rule, children should always be under careful adult supervision anytime they enter the kitchen.

Appliances such as irons, hair straighteners and hair dryers can be potentially hazardous as well. And, of course, anything involved in the cooking of warm or hot foods, including open fires, cookers, ovens, as well as pots and trays. Any burn should be treated with cold running water immediately after it occurs. Keep the wound under the water for around ten minutes and assess the damage.

Burns are tricky injuries because they can become infected quite quickly and cause significant damage. Since the body’s protective barrier, the skin, is severely damaged, the area becomes susceptible to bacteria and other pathogens. Depending on the case, a patient with a weak immune system, whether due to older age, chronic health conditions, certain medications, or who has recently undergone surgery, might have a systemic reaction from an infected wound. If you don’t have a first aid kit at home, visit your doctor so the injury can be dressed accordingly.


Similar to burns, cuts can also be very mild or quite dramatic. The first thing you need to do is to apply sufficient pressure to the area to stop the bleeding. An antiseptic must be used as quickly as possible in order to reduce the possibility of infection. If the cut is quite deep and the tissue underneath has been significantly exposed, you need to go to the hospital as quickly as possible since sutures are more likely than not to be an absolute necessity. You might also need to be treated for blood loss.

Becoming injured is unfortunately not uncommon. Nonetheless, remaining vigilant and receiving prompt care in the aftermath can significantly diminish the possibility of developing something more serious.