Zacks Report Says SCWX Stock Is A “Buy” Right Now

SCWX stocks

Zacks Investment Research analysts recently upgraded the rating of SecureWorks “Buy” from an earlier “Hold” rating in a report issued by the firm on Wednesday, January 20th. The current target price consensus issued by Zacks to SCWX stocks is $16.00. This suggests a potential upside for the information security solutions company of about 11.81% since its last close.

Zacks’ report mentions that the company is currently under a growing curve for the last six months. Their report suggests there is an increase in the global demand of these companies that helps improve cyber walls and build virtual defense easier for companies or softwares.

NASDAQ: SCWX Stock Analysis

SecureWorks stocks traded at $14.31 this Wednesday. The company’ current market capitalization stands at $1.18 billion. It has a negative PE ratio of 68.14 along with a beta of 1.17 at the moment. The 12-monthly high to low ranges from $16.93 to $5.29. The 50SMA (50 Days Simple Moving Average) stands at $13.45 and its 200SMA stands at $12.19.

The quarterly earnings report for the previous quarter was released on the 2nd of December. The earnings stood at $0.08 EPS as opposed to the general consensus of $0.05. The company’s return on equity stands at 0.43% along with the net margin of 3.12%. The estimated income for the firm was marked at $138.19 billion but it made $141.60 billion for the quarter. The FY2021 EPS might stand at -0.01 according to analysts.

NASDAQ: SCWX has recently been the subject of a lot of reports by research analysts. Some such as Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan & Chase, and so on have posted reports on this company over the last few months.

The recent consensus on this company’s stocks stands at “Hold” rating with $13.86 as a consensus on the target price. Several hedge funds have also been involved in buying and selling of NASDAQ: SCWX shares recently.