New Stimulus Checks Being Sent Out In These States

stimulus check
stimulus check

The fourth round of stimulus checks seems almost impossible now. Biden’s federal government is highly unlikely to send out any more stimulus payments to individuals. However, that does not mean there is no new help.

The States’ Stimulus Checks Will Arrive Soon

Even if the federal help is coming to an end, the states are aiming to do all they can to ensure their citizens are receiving the stimulus checks properly. After all, the federal government has given more than $200Bn to states to ensure that they can economically recover after the coronavirus pandemic.

31st December has been determined to be the day by which they have to finish distributing the money. Some of them have already started dishing stimulus checks using the money, to the people who need them the most. Here are the states that have begun.

So far California is the only one to have already send stimulus checks using their budget. This is because the state reported a surplus in its budget because of the state’s taxation system. Residents who earn between $30,000 and $75,000 annually will be getting stimulus checks worth $500 to $600. Households who have dependent children will be getting another $500.

In Colorado, those who were paid a minimum of one payment because of unemployment between 15th March and 24th October 2020 will be paid $375. In Maryland, all local and state taxes on benefits for unemployment have been canceled. Furthermore, stimulus checks worth $500 for families are being sent out. Individuals who claimed the Earned Income Tax Credit will be getting a stimulus payment worth $300 as well.

New Mexico has planned to distribute $5Mn to all the residents who were not eligible for payments from the federal government. Florida, Georgia, and Michigan have sent out special checks to their teachers.