Olivia Munn: The Most Latest Mom Moment For The Star

Olivia Munn

Olivia Munn, the actress, shared a recent post showing her fans how she is handling her baby in the most fun way. Her post was really funny as per the fans as she was trying to settle baby Malcolm. This was her way of showing her fans some tricks which amazingly worked for Malcolm. 

The Fans Love Olivia Munn’s Bag Of Tricks

A video was shared by Olivia Munn on 1st March, on Instagram, where she used her bag of tricks to get Malcolm to chill out. In the video shared by Malcolm, she was seen pushing the baby in a stroller to make him sleep. In her view, the baby was jet-lagged from the trip to New York and thus, she decided to stroll her in the backyard to make him fall asleep easily. 

In the words of Olivia Munn, the baby was still in New York time, and walking him outside was the best way to settle him down. It is no new news to the jet setters that adjustment of time is a serious issue and Malcolm is just a baby for whom too much of the journey could be hectic. Malcolm was seen last week in New York and this visit was to watch his father John Mulaney perform live on Saturday night.

John Mulaney and Olivia Munn were pregnant last year and she gave birth to their first child on 24th November before the day of Thanksgiving. The couple has posted a lot of pictures since then to show their bond and love and some worthy private moments on social media with their fans. 

In one of her posts, she shared a very cute picture of Malcolm stating that she completed the mission to turn Malcolm into a live buttered biscuit. The couple also posted a picture that shows that they have introduced baby Malcolm with their friends Liv Lo and Henry Golding along with their daughter on 27th January. Olivia Munn continues to gush over Malcolm in all her social media posts.