One More Stimulus Check For The Residents Of The Golden State!

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Stimulus Check

One more stimulus check is soon heading towards the residents of the golden state. However, to be eligible for receiving the total rebate, all married couples should have income levels equal to or less than $150,000 with at least 1 dependent child. Individuals earning below $75,00 with at least 1 dependent child are also eligible for this stimulus check. The Department of Treasury and the IRS continue to deliver the remaining coronavirus stimulus payments of $1400 to all the eligible and struggling Americans. 

Eligibility Criteria For Receiving Your New Stimulus Check!

However, the golden state is looking to aid its residents who are struggling to make ends meet. This week, the plan of California Governor Gavin Newsom was approved by both the houses of the legislatures of California. California Governor Gavin Newsom plans to disburse an additional amount of $600 in the stimulus payments. These payments are mostly known as the Stimulus II of the Golden State! The payments are nothing but an expansion to the first stimulus check that you received as a resident of California. 

For the 1st round, the residents earning incomes below $30,000 were eligible for the payments. But this round’s eligibility is a bit different. Here, for receiving your stimulus check, you have to earn equal to or less than $75,000 while already filing your tax returns for 2020. Another condition also requires them to live within the umbrella of the state for at least 6 months. These are the requirements for receiving this new and upcoming stimulus check! Moreover, families having dependents will be receiving an extra amount of $500 in their stimulus payments. Another amount of $500 will get directly issued to all the undocumented families! So, check if you are eligible for this stimulus II of the Golden state!