Paris Hilton Reacts Hilariously Reacts To Story Of TikToker Robbing Her Back In 2007

Paris Hilton
Paris Hilton

A TikTok enthusiast who accused of stealing from Paris Hilton back in 2007 now reportedly become pals with her.

The socialite and AsapSCIENCE blogger Greg Brown performed a humorous duet for the “One Thing About Me” competition video in which Greg Brown related how once he managed to steal Paris Hilton’s sunnies after a crazy night out.

On His post Greg Brown said that one fact about him is that once he stole the eyewears of Paris Hilton. He hoped that Hilton never notices his video as that could land him to jail. He confessed about it in his video with the sound of super freaky girl by Nick Minaj.

Greg said that it was back in 2007 and he was at a concert of MIA. He said it was amazing and he was drinking and he got out. According to him when he came out, he saw a big black car pulling over and people around him was screaming the name of Paris Hilton when the star got out of her car.

Paris Hilton Reacted Smilingly To A TikToker’s Video Confessing About Robbing Her:

Brown said that he along with his companion witnessed Paris Hilton arrive at a Toronto nightclub, leave with her crew shortly after, and then return with her unsecured, unattended automobile. The inebriated couple proceeded to look inside the car and ultimately stole the socialite’s Christian Dior spectacles.

Brown said that there was nobody inside the car in that brief time, and so they entered and they pulled out a script. He said that was the script of House of wax. Greg said he and his friends were laughing that they were in the car. Then suddenly they come to their senses as Greg’s friend said run as they thought the cops were coming.