Amazon Demerits Parler’s Lawsuit, The App May Not Return


John Matze, the CEO of Parler has recently made a public statement regarding the unfavorable chances of the return of the app. Amazon has shut down the service of web hosting of Parler.

Consequently, several conservatives have withdrawn their support towards the social media app. During one of the interviews on Wednesday, Matze clearly said that the social media platform might never make a return.

Parler Has Been Stripped Of Its Merits

In the meantime, Amazon has been preserving its decision to boot Parler. They informed the court through their filing. It notified that the platform had violated the terms and agreement several times through their content.

Amazon has responded to the lawsuit filed by the platform on Monday in federal court. They asked the federal judge for a rejection of the request for the purpose of restoring the account of cloud service. Amazon has also claimed that it avoided the content of police violence prior to and after the Capitol Hill riot.

Parler has in turn said that Amazon’s lawsuit has violated the antitrust laws in order to harm their platform and support Twitter. They also accused Amazon of breaching their contract of not providing a 30-day notice preceding the termination of their account.

Amazon has informed that Parler made the contract in 2018 by agreeing to follow the agreement. Amazon also informed that they had notified Parler of having the right to terminate accounts instantly in case of any breach of the terms and conditions.

Twitter and Facebook have also been rampantly suspending accounts of thousands of users who have been linked with the Capitol attack event on 6th January, Wednesday. Donald Trump’s account has been banned by Twitter, permanently, while Facebook banned him till the end of his term.