Cute Picture Of “Fearless and Spontaneous” Daughter Malti Shared By Priyanka Chopra

Priyanka Chopra Jonas

Priyanka Chopra aka Mommy Jonas is proud. At a friend’s birthday celebration on Sunday, the 41-year-old actress posted a picture of her 2-year-old daughter Malti Marie laughing and relaxing on her back in a ball pit on Instagram. With a grin on her face, she closed her eyes.

“Are you serious? @maltimarie is such a pro. Every day, she shocks me. Unafraid and impulsive. Of her daughter, she remarked, “I’m grateful and curious.” After Malti “laughed hysterically and uncontrollably as she ascended this slide by herself and hurled herself upon her tummy, falling into the ball pit,” the Citadel star recounted, the photo was snapped.

Priyanka Chopra Talks About Moments When She Feels Time Should Stand Still

“I believe that this photo will always remind me of this moment, even on horrible days. Are there any such memories that you wish time could stand still for?” Priyanka Chopra urged her fans to continue spreading happiness as she ended the message. Her spouse Nick Jonas posted a video of the child in another ball pit on Instagram earlier this month as a part of a collection of recent images and videos documenting his childhood. “Oh yeah Malti, good throws,” the thirty-one-year-old musician said as he saw his daughter launch colorful balls into the air.

The couple announced that their baby had spent the first 100 days of her life in the NICU after welcoming her on January 15, 2022. During a 2023 exclusive conversation with the media, Priyanka Chopra Jonas spoke up about the terrifying reality of parenthood. “Every single day you worry about what you can do wrong and what mistake you might make,” she stated. “When I see [my daughter’s] grin, I think, ‘Alright, alright. I am doing well thus far. Though dangerous, it’s the best thing I’ve ever done.”