Are You Receiving Your October Payment This Week? – Social Security Payments 2023?

Social Security

Don’t panic if your Social Security payment in October didn’t arrive last week. Depending on a few things, you could receive it in this week’s set. Depending on your birth date, the SSA issues its payments in many rounds during the month; therefore, yours may arrive at a different time. Additionally, your October SSI check, if you were expecting it, should have arrived around Friday, September 29.

We’ll explain how your date of payment is established and assist you in determining when your check should arrive. Learn the ideal time to start collecting your payments and ways in which to suspend those for a larger payout later if you have just begun getting them. 

When Would I Receive My Social Security Cheque For October?

The following dates indicate when you might get your payment for Social Security and/or funds under SSI in October (PDF):

  • For those who have been receiving Social Security benefits since before 1997 May, payments begin on October 3.
  • Social Security checks will be sent on October 11 to anyone whose birthdays fall between the first and tenth of any month.
  • Social Security checks will be made on October 18 to those whose birthdays fall between November 11 and October 20.
  • Social Security benefits are paid on October 25 to persons whose birthdays fall on a month’s 21st through 31st.

The second, third, and fourth Wednesdays of the month are normally when the SSA pays out payments. Your birth date determines when you get your cheque. SSI participants typically get their payments on the first of every month, with some exceptions that we discuss below. The SSA advises waiting three more mailing days before getting in touch if, due to your birth date or other reasons, the payment doesn’t arrive on the day specified above. Call 800-772-1213 to talk with a representative if you still haven’t gotten it.