Reddit Has Started Building Scaling Tools After Joining Forces With Ethereum


The ecosystem of Ethereum seems to be growing, with Reddit joining its forays. Incidentally, the social media platform is looking forward to increasing its influence- especially the desire to build out quite a few scaling tools that would help the blockchain network. On Wednesday, Reddit announced that it was trying to work out an expansion on the work it did along with Ethereum Foundation- in order to bring out more resources that would help in scaling. The announcement also maintained that this move by Reddit was simply the company honoring its commitment to technology and an ethos of decentralization. 

Will Reddit’s Partnership With Ethereum Be One-Sided, Or Symbiotic?

The announcement from the social media platform read that Ethereum would soon be brought to a production that is strictly Reddit-scale. And since this is a comparatively new partnership, immediate efforts would be laid into that. Also, more often than not, the intention would be to simply enable the acceleration of the scaling, and the development of the technology that would be needed to bring about Community points through a medium of Ethereum. 

No surprises that the partnership with Ethereum is going to profit Reddit immensely. It would definitely start working on the scaling tools at the second layer- while pushing for projects that were still at a prototype stage earlier. 

The development resources of Reddit- which involves a team of developers have been immersed in this work. In the end, the main idea is to create a project which is similar to the Community points feature of Reddit- which would be more than capable of supporting the immense demography of Reddit. 

The announcement from the developer team stated that the Ethereum blockchain efforts would be kick-started by the crypto team of Reddit.