On Thursday, Samsung introduced One UI 7, the latest iteration of its specialized user interface for Android devices. This version brings a host of new features, including AI-powered writing assistants, along with notable design modifications that inevitably draw comparisons to Apple’s iOS.
Comparing Samsung’s One UI 7 with iOS 18
Users who have tested the first beta version of One UI 7 note that the new interface shares several similarities with the iOS design, starting with the Lock Screen enhancements.
A standout addition is the “Now Bar,” which displays pertinent ongoing tasks like audio recording and media controls in a sleek, pill-shaped layout. Some of these features can be expanded with a simple tap, making it hard not to liken the Now Bar to the iPhone’s Live Activities and Dynamic Island.
The media player user interface on the Lock Screen also resembles the iOS version, displaying controls on a rectangular card at the bottom and album artwork prominently in the center.
Furthermore, the native app icons have received a refresh with gradient backgrounds and brighter colors, while the Quick Settings panel now closely resembles iOS 18’s Control Center.
Samsung appears to have taken cues from Apple’s advancements, incorporating new AI-driven features for text proofreading and modifications in One UI 7. The text tool panel mirrors the Writing Tools panel found in iOS 18.1.
Observing the competitive landscape is a norm for tech companies, and Apple has similarly drawn inspiration from Android to enhance iOS 18 with various customizations. It’s fascinating to note the striking similarities between One UI 7 and iOS 18’s interface.
Currently, One UI 7 is available in beta for Samsung Galaxy S24, Galaxy S24+, and Galaxy S24 Ultra users, although it is limited to select regions. A full public release is anticipated in the first quarter of 2025. For further updates on Samsung and Android, check out our sister site 9to5Google.
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