The Stimulus Check 2 Might not Be Present in the $908 Billion Relief Proposal

Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check 2

The lawmakers have to deal with an important conundrum before the holidays begin- how to put in a stimulus check 2 in the $908 billion proposal that senators have brought forth? And then, they have to start discussing the language of the legislation– one that will provide enough support from both parties. It feels as if the legislators have already made up their minds to go with the bipartisan proposal- now they only have to look for a way to put in the stimulus check 2. 

The CARES Act passed during the outgrowth of this pandemic had led to a stimulus check which guaranteed $1200 to every individual. Since then, the legislators have spoken and argued about the need for another stimulus check 2. Some time back, they seemed to be one of those areas which had support from both sides. But now, it seems to be getting washed away completely. 

The Bipartisan Proposal Needs to Have A Stimulus Check 2

The bipartisan proposal includes several features like the unemployment benefits which would be accrued at around $300 per week. The second part of the bill will include liability protections and local aid. 

If this bipartisan proposal is approved, it might just come in soon due to the stimulus checks, and the federal unemployment benefits under the CARES Act will expire. Ioana Marinescu of the University of Pennsylvania has mentioned that due to several benefits going out at once, the void needs to be filled with a newer round of stimulus check 2. 

If the government could come up with a support with a broader base like a stimulus check 2, it would really help citizens. In fact, it will help everyone from falling into a state of utter debt- whilst ensuring that businesses get customers.