After Batgirl Got Cancelled, She-Hulk Creators Stress Importance Of Female-led Superhero


Jen Walters initially rejects being a superhero after receiving a transfusion of her cousin Bruce Banner’s gamma-irradiated blood, transforming her into the She-Hulk.

The Emmy-winning Orphan Black actor Tatiana Maslany, who plays the movie’s titular green giant, wasn’t quite as hesitant to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it was still there.

Maslany said that the she-hulk, Jen Walters, and she are similar on different levels while promoting the new Marvel Phase – IV series. She said that she had been an actor for a long time, and she has always tried to do characters that are relatable to her. She said that she also focused on stories that did not occupy much global space. Thus, she has always been resistant to entering a world as big as MCU, and she was not very sure how this new venture would turn out.

However, when Tatiana read the she-hulk script, she said it was like not very what she expected. She said that the story of she-hulk has a very humane touch, to which any marvel comic fan can relate. She also said that the story is full of materials like it is funny, embarrassing, and mundane.

She-Hulk Is One Of The Most Promising Projects Of MCU Phase –IV: 

She-Hulk debuts this week as comic-based Hollywood productions come under increased scrutiny. Marvel Studios, owned by Disney, has continued highlighting more female superheroes since a few months ago. However, the contentious cancellation of the almost finished $90 million HBO Max feature film Batgirl, a superhero drama with a Latinx heroine, has angered Warner Bros.-owned DC franchise fans in recent weeks.

The team behind she-hulk shared their sympathy and Marvel Boss to Bat-Girl after the show was canceled.