SNAP Has Posted Their EPS Expectations At $0.02


The stocks of SNAP have updated that the company would be posting its quarterly earnings report on Thursday. The EPS reported by the company during this period was $0.19, which was more than the consensus estimate of $0.21. The revenue for the company during this period was $769.58 million, which was more than the consensus estimate of $739.61 million. The return on equity for the company was -48.53%, while the net margin was -49.74%. 

The Quarterly Estimates Of SNAP

The stocks of SNAP traded on Friday at $2.32. The quick ratio for the company was 5.43, with a 5.43 current ratio, and a 0.75 debt-to-equity ratio. The moving average price of the company over a period of 50 days was $58.02, with the moving average price over 200 days set at $51.03. The year low of the company was $15.58, with the year high set at $73.59. The market cap of the firm was $89.55 billion, with a -80.93 PE ratio.

There have been quite a few research equities that have commented on the stocks of SNAP. Morgan Stanley has already increased the price target of the company from $74 to $75 with a rating of overweight in a Friday research report. Piper Sandler has also increased the price target of the company from $66 to $83, with a rating of overweight in a Tuesday research note.

The Bank of America has also put up a rating of neutral along with a price target of $67, in a 29th March research report. Moffett Nathanson has also increased the rating of the company from neutral to buy with a price target increased to $57 in a 15th January research report. In the end, Stifel Nicolaus ended up with a price target increased to $70, with a rating of buy in a 5th February research report. 

One of the investment analysts covering the firm has already given it a rating of sell, while six others have given it a rating of hold. Around thirty different analysts have prescribed the company with a rating of buy. Currently, SNAP has a buy rating with a $66.77 price target.