Update On Social Security: $914 Direct Payment Arriving In Twenty-Three Days

social security

According to the SSA’s schedule, participants of the Social Security Income program would get their following payment in slightly more than three weeks. As there were no payments in July, the social security payment would be the beneficiaries’ first since June when it is distributed in about 23 days, on 1st August, Tuesday. Due to a glitch in the SSA calendar, two payments were made in June. The modified social security timetable guarantees that beneficiaries continue to get twelve checks annually while receiving two stimulus checks in certain months and no other payment in the rest of the months. This year, two payments will be received in each of the following four months: December, September, June, and March.

This is because January 1 is always a holiday and the first day of a month this year would come around a weekend in October, July, and April.

Eligibility Criteria For People Applying For The Social Security

Depending on how beneficiaries apply for benefits, there has been some variance in the amount of money they receive. The maximum monthly payment for receivers who file separately is $914, the maximum monthly social security payment for eligible couples is $1,372, and the full monthly payment for essential individuals, or those living with recipients of SSI benefits and giving them the necessary care, is $458. Not all recipients get the full reward.

To be eligible for the Social Security Income, an individual must be above 65, meet certain income conditions, be visually impaired, or have any mental or physical condition that restricts their everyday activities for twelve months or above or may even lead to death.