Starkware Promises To Make Starknet Prover Open Source


Ethereal’s Layer 2 Scalability Fix, which has successfully processed 327Mn transactions already as well as minted 95 Mn NFTs (non-fungible tokens), StarkWare has announced its intention to release its exclusive Starknet Prover. It will be released under the license of Apache 2.0.

Starkware’s Magic Wand Will Finally Be Available To The Public

The Starkent Prover is a vital engine used by Starkware to condense several hundred thousand transactions into a little cryptographic proof stored on the blockchain of Ethereum. Eli Ben-Sasson, the co-founder and president of Starkware, explained that the Prover is the Stark technology’s equivalent of a magic wand in their eyes. The proofs that enable inconceivable scaling are wonderfully produced by it.

For not sharing the intellectual property (IP) behind its technology, Starkware has been criticized by the cryptocurrency community and other alternatives like ZK Sync and Polygon. It is a contradiction to the interoperable and open-source ethics of blockchain.

By making Starknet prover open source with the license of Apache 2.0, the technology can be used by any other network or project, including gaming and database makers. They will just need to edit and customize the code. ImmutableX, dYdX, and Sorare are already using the technology since it became accessible in 2020.

Starkware’s product head, Avihu Levy, was hesitant to give a firm timeline as to when exactly the prover will be open-sourced. However, he did say it would happen following the decentralization as well as the launch of the token Starknet. Moreover, he did concede that it was feasible this year. In an interview, he said, that they wish to progress with a permissionless, decentralized network and that implies they will have the crucial component out in the public.