States Pitch In For An Extra Round Of Stimulus Checks: California Cash Back Up For Payment Within A Week

Stimulus Check

Even as the federal administration remains mired in the partisan politics of Washington, close to half of the American states have moved ahead with inflation relief measures in multiple forms. What is common is the realization that citizens continue to hurt as badly as they did immediately after the pandemic until the successive stimulus check and other measures provided relief from the deep economic downturn.

While most states are moving ahead with a stimulus check for the first time, for other states such as California and New Mexico it is the third round of payments post the pandemic. for some states, the practice of returning part of the budget surplus is built into the system like in the case of Colorado under the TABOR act.

Maine was one of the few states that were off the mark with inflation relief measures and came up with a generous payment, partially thanks to a huge budget surplus. Individual residents of Pine Tree State are eligible to pick up a relief check of $850 that has been sanctioned to address inflation-induced economic woes brought about by the pandemic.

Around 858,000 residents will ultimately benefit from the Maine stimulus and around half of the budget surplus enjoyed by the state is being pumped in to help out its troubled residents. Eligible residents have been given an October deadline to complete the requisite paperwork and claim the Maine stimulus check.

Governor Janet Mills has said that the Maine budget has revealed that the Republicans and the Democrats can come together and work hard in good faith to negotiate a deal for the state residents. She said that it was all done without bitter partisanship or rancor, something that has marked politics in Atlanta in the past.

Residents must be residents of Maine for a full year to claim the relief check and file their income tax returns for 2021 by October 31. Those who have already filed their returns have started receiving their payments and the rest will get it on a rolling basis as they file their returns.

Only individuals with an adjusted gross income below $100,000 are eligible for the stimulus check. for married couples filing jointly, the earnings must be below $200,000. They will get double the payment which is $1,700.

The bill passing the stimulus check was signed by Governor Mills back in April. The stimulus check has been proposed to alleviate the strain that residents of Maine are facing after the twin whammy of the pandemic-induced economic downturn and then the record inflation that has negated the economic revival seen in the last two quarters of 2021.

Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check

The stimulus checks will go out to the address entered in the 2021 income tax return. Further details can be obtained from the website of the Maine governor’s office.

New Jersey Stimulus Check For Eligible Households

The human services department of New Jersey has announced up to $10 M in funding under the pandemic State Fiscal Recovery Fund. The administration has been authorized to extend the availability of operation of the Excluded New Jerseyans Fund into the next year.

The increased benefits will provide $2,000 for every eligible individual and double that per household. Both figures are double previous checks given to residents.

Fresh applicants and those who applied earlier and received approval will receive the enhanced benefit amount.

Sarah Adelman, the acting commissioner said that the state administration was firm on providing the maximum possible assistance to New Jerseyans during the economic downturns. She said that the government was pleased to provide a bigger benefit to the families and individuals who proved their eligibility while applying for the fund.

Adelman said that she hoped that more families and individuals would take advantage of provided by the New Jersey administration as more funding has come in.

This state program funded by federal funds will be available as a one-off direct cash benefit for eligible households that have suffered from the economic hardship caused by the pandemic and the subsequent economic downturn.

This fund is open to households with an annual income of up to $55,000 and with documents revealing the hardship that they have faced due to the pandemic. the eligible people include residents returning from the justice system, other people who have been for various reasons excluded from pandemic-linked financial help, and undocumented individuals and families.

The state program is available to households with an annual income not exceeding $55,000.

New Mexico Goes For another Round Of Stimulus Check

Following three rounds of stimulus checks disbursed over 4 months between May and August 2022, New Mexico is gearing up for another round of stimulus checks to help people who continue to suffer from the impact of the economic downturn triggered by the pandemic and the subsequent inflation that increased the rate of everything from groceries to gasoline.

Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check

The Human Service Department of New Mexico is administering the program through its official website. Eligible households will qualify for a stimulus check of at least $400.

A majority of New Mexicans received multiple economic relief checks and tax rebates starting May this year. but while the earlier rounds of payments went to even the middle class, the current round of payments is being targeted at low-income households. Those will the lowest income will be given priority. Each household will get only a single stimulus check.

Biggest Round Of Stimulus Check Form The Californian Administration

Around 60% of the residents of the Golden State are set to get their third round of state stimulus checks starting the first week of October. the payments are expected to continue into January next year and will go out to 23 million residents of California.

The maximum of up to $1,050 will go out to households with a combined adjusted gross income of $150,000 and less.

Families with a combined income up to $500,000 are eligible for the state stimulus check though the amount will be pared down to $600 maximum for a family of three or more. Governor Newsom has said that the money will help state residents fill their gas tanks and put food on the table and has described the package as a middle-class rebate.