Status Of FB Stock After The Sale Of 310 Shares By Jennifer Newstead


Jennifer Newstead, Vice President of Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) has sold about 310 shares of her FB stocks on 1st December, Tuesday. Her entire transaction was worth $86,539 as she sold her shares at $279.16 EPS. At present, she owns shares worth almost $871,537.52.

Facebook declined by $5.67 on Thursday and traded at $281.85 at peak hours. The share volume of the trading stock was 12,739,532 and the market cap was $802.79B. The lowest in 12-months is $137.10 while the highest is $304.67. The stock price of average 50-day moving is at $275.73 and 200-day is at $256.16.

Details About FB Stock

Facebook traded at $2.71 EPS which was $0.77 more than estimates. They have a 32 % total margin and an equity return of 23.27%. They earned a quarterly revenue worth $21.47B which has increased by 21.6% than last quarter.

JPMorgan Chase&Co. and Moran Stanley hiked Facebook shares’ objective price to $315 with a rating of “buy”. Credit Suisse hiked the price to $330 and gave a rating of “outperform”. Tigress Financial maintained its “buy” rating. Mizuho increased the objective price to $330 and gave a rating of “buy”. One analyst gave a rating “sell”, 5 gave “hold”, 41 gave “buy” and another gave “strong-buy”. Consensus has rated Facebook shares with “buy” with a target rate of $293.84.

Rocky Mountain Advisors bought a Facebook position worth $26,000. Horan Capital bought a Facebook position worth $26,000 in Q3. Carolina Advisors owns 144 shares valued at $38,000. Demars Group has FB stock worth $39,000 while Newfound Research has $40,000 worth shares. Organization investors possess 59.62% FB stock.