Stimulus Check Update: 4th Check Coming Through

Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check

The state of California is going to send several hundred thousand stimulus check payments tomorrow- something that has been reported by sources. This falls in line with the Golden State Stimulus II Program, with the latest update from the GSS showing around 705,000 payments coming through.

According to quite a few local reports, the payments will be sent to qualifying residents of the state who don’t make more than $75,000 annually. The stimulus package from California would be coming through, amidst the payments coming from the federal government. The checks were first sent out in the month of August, but another wave was sent to Californians in September. 

California Stimulus Check Update — New Payment Tuesday

The state of California has already gone ahead and allocated around $480 million to the GSSII effort. Also, this money has been distributed by the California Franchise Tax Board. Several families that have eligible dependents will receive a sum of $1,100. But the main stimulus check payment sent from the government has an amount of $600.

The first round of the GSSII checks went on to include around 600,000 payments- which were sent out to the residents of the state who were deemed eligible for the payments by the end of August. Another batch was then sent out in September to around 2 million California residents. 

Interestingly, the Golden State Stimulus check payments are coming out at the same time the federal government has brought out more stimulus payments for the citizens. The fourth Child tax credit payment will be sent out in a couple of weeks. The date that has been set is the 15th of October, and just like the last three monthly CTC payments, this will add several hundred dollars to bank accounts. 

These payments will be followed by more stimulus check payments- one on the 15th of November, and the other on December 15.