Stimulus Check Details Until Now

Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check

The department of the IRS has already generated over 169 million stimulus check payments. This was in the third batch of the payments. And they generated a total of 2.3 million financial aid payments in the month of July. The total amount of the payment was 1,400 USD per head. However, a number of senators belonging to the Democratic party submitted their letter demanding for the recurring stimulus checks to be provided to the people of the country. The letter was sent on the 30th of March. The lawmakers made the argument that the last batch of the relief aid payments that was provided failed to provide enough monetary support to the people. 

Stimulus Check Provided By The Government

The online petition that was started in order to streamline the ongoing demand for the recurring stimulus checks from the federal government has almost reached a total of 3 million approvals which was the dedicated goal. The money is not only demanded by normal people but by lawmakers as well as some economists. And in the midst of all this, the administration of Joe Biden, the President has not given any official statement on the matter. However, that also does not make any difference to the fact that more money is already being provided to the people. Though not in the form of a typical stimulus check.

While the federal aid payments that used to be provided previously used to be provided once, the payments that are given out right now are structured in a different manner. According to a law that was passed in the month of March, the child tax credit payments got further expanded. The amount of the said federal aid payments depends on the eligibility of the children. And the money will be provided until the end of the year 2021.