Stimulus Check: Is Joe Biden Considering A Check?

Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check

Stimulus Check demands for the fourth round have intensified to a great extent. The demands have now been around for a long time. People have been pushing the claims for almost two months now. The Stimulus Check provided a huge monetary relief to the citizens of America. It was first announced by the federal government in March. 

The federal government designed the plan in the month of March. They have sent out three rounds of stimulus check so far. The third round of payments was sent out by the IRS recently. The checks were worth $1400. These were sent out as direct payments to the qualified individuals. People earning below $75000 were entitled to receive the stimulus payments.

According to reports, the money provided is not enough to see the Americans for long. The amount received by the citizens will soon be used up. Most households have a huge backlog of payments like rent. The shutdown made many Americans lost their jobs. This has resulted in high demand for the fourth round of stimulus check.

Stimulus Check Remainder

As the demands rise with each passing day, the possibility of another check seems bleak. The federal government has stated its reasons for not providing any more assistance. The rapid rate of vaccination, easing off the covid protocols, all directs towards the economy bouncing back. However, the reality is far from being worse. Many households are still struggling to get through with their days.

The pandemic seems far from over in America. New cases of infections are being reported every day. The newly found Delta strain is lurking around the corner. Masks have been made compulsory once again. In such circumstances, people are speculating on another shutdown. The result could be disastrous as already most households are in the recovery process.