Surprise Stimulus Check: Check How Much You Can Get On These Thanksgiving Checks

Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check

Only 5 weeks are left till 2021 ends and people would have gotten one last stimulus check before this year ends.

 Some of the new stimulus checks and payments will come as a surprise. Others, we know about like the sixth and final child tax credit coming on the 15th of December. In this post, we will go through some of what’s coming, the surprises, and everything else.

Surprise Stimulus Checks That Are On The Way

Some people might think that December’s stimulus check will be outsized, because not every CTC check coming next month will be made equal.

Most recipients will get the same amount that has come over the past 5 checks which would total to a few hundred dollars per eligible child. Meanwhile, some families have only just now started to get these checks. 

If that’s you, and if you signed up by the 15th of November, the IRS is going to send you a sort of catch-up check in December.

The Thanksgiving wave of checks is not only coming from the federal government but also from the States.

States like Maine are sending out checks to residents. In that state, a one-time payment worth $285 is going to more than 500,000 residents. Those checks are going out in waves through the end of the year. Same with California, where the Golden State Stimulus II is paying residents as much as $1,100.

There is another important tax-related benefit for working families. Essentially, parents for 2021 are eligible to claim as much as 50% of childcare expenses of up to $8,000, which would be eligible for at least two children. But it’s not just meant for expenses related to children. As the name implies, the expenses can also stem from a spouse, parent, or another dependent who you take care of who can’t care for themselves.