Stimulus Check Demanded By Economists Too

stimulus check
stimulus check

The online petition that was started in order to streamline the ongoing demand for the recurring stimulus checks from the federal government has almost reached a total of 3 million approvals which was the dedicated goal. The money is not only demanded by normal people but by the lawmakers as well as the economists. The demand has the backing of a total of 150 economists and 21 members from the US senate. However, the administration of President Joe Biden has already indicated the fact that providing the stimulus check to the people is not a priority. And what is more important is the infrastructure plan. 

Stimulus Check Justifications

Stephanie Bonin, a restaurant owner from the state of Colorado, was the one who introduced the online petition with the help of her husband. On the success of her petition, she stated that the main reason for the demand for the recurring stimulus check was the uncertain economy. And it was this uncertainty that was letting people live a fearful life.

A number of senators belonging to the Democratic party submitted their letter demanding for the recurring stimulus checks to be provided to the people of the country. The letter was sent on the 30th of March. The lawmakers made the argument that the last batch of the relief aid payments that was provided failed to provide enough monetary support to the people. 

Economists too are supporting the ongoing demand for federal money. They include Jason Furman, the former chairman of the economic advisers’ council under the administration of Barack Obama, the former President. They stated that the money would be helpful in bringing the economy back to life. All of this was stated in a letter. They explained that consumer spending would get boosted.