Stimulus Check Update: Does Your State Qualify?

stimulus check
stimulus check

It should come as no surprise to anyone that most of the states in the country have been looking for various ways to bring about a stimulus check. This would come in handy in the absence of a fourth stimulus payment from the government.

As it stands, most of the lower and middle-income families haven’t yet received any form of federal relief- but all the 50 states have brought out their own policy which would be useful to combat this issue. Currently, most of the states have started releasing their financial incentives which would help ease the monetary effects felt by the pandemic. 

Stimulus Check Payments From The States

In the state of Alaska, the residents have been deemed eligible for some additional funds through the Federal State Extended Benefit program- which would allow for an extra 13 to 20 weeks’ worth of checks. In the state of Arizona, the Back to Work Program of the state would offer citizens a single stimulus check payment of $1,000 for those who work part-time, and a sum of $2,000 for those who are employed full time. 

As of now, California remains the only state in the country that has issued its own stimulus check, which would be sent to those who have been making between $30,000 and $75,000 to collect a sum of $500 to $600- which would be coupled with an additional $500 for those with dependents. In the state of Colorado, any single resident who previously received an unemployment check between the months of March and October last year would be receiving a check of $375. 

In Connecticut, the Back To Work plan has resulted in a stimulus check payment of $1,000 to eligible applicants who would be joining their work after eight weeks off of unemployment. In the state of Florida, administrators and teachers would be receiving a payment of $1,000.