Stimulus Check: Contact The IRS If You Are Due For A Check

Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check

Stimulus Check was designed to provide financial assistance to the needy. The government of Joe Biden declared the program in the month of March. The program stressed struggling households.

Families that struggled with the adversities of the pandemic were given importance. The federal government of America laid down the eligibility criteria for receipt of Stimulus Checks.

Citizens earning below $75000 will be provided with the maximum benefits. As the income would go higher, the amount of assistance would decrease. For households making over $160,000 annually, there was no provision for Stimulus Checks. Despite all these restrictions, some of the wealthiest families received the money.

The pandemic has plagued the lives of the common people to a great extent. The household has had difficulties in meeting essential needs. New checks will surely cater to the needs of the common people in a great manner.

Necessities are becoming hard to afford for some. Debts and rents are also increasingly adding up to the pressure. A recent study has shown that a large number of people could not clear their debts.

The number of rent defaulters has also increased. Surprisingly enough, the government has a chunk of the rent assistance money unclaimed. Another set of stimulus checks that have been left unclaimed is the third round of checks.

Let us learn more about the story in detail below. 

Stimulus Check: Call The IRS Immediately

Citizens are advised by the IRS to apply for their checks if they are eligible for one.

The IRS has asked the citizens to check their bank accounts if they are due for the third check or not.

They have issued a struct circular for people to browse the website and check the eligibility criteria.

If someone finds themselves eligible and has not received the check, they must contact the IRS at once. 

However, reaching out to the IRS via phone can be a tiring process. They are not easily available on the phone always.

The IRS has dispatched almost a 175million. Thus, if you are eligible for one, act fast.