Stimulus Check Update: California Comes Up With First Guaranteed Income Program

Stimulus Check CalWorks
Stimulus Check

In what has been deemed as a first-of-its-kind initiative, California has turned out to be the first state with a guaranteed stimulus check program. The lawmakers of the state have gone ahead and approved a program that will distribute monthly checks to the citizens of the state. This will deliberately mark a historic step towards a universal basic income in the USA. 

Stimulus Check And Universal Basic Income

Last Thursday saw the legislative assembly of the state unanimously approving a guaranteed-income program with a valuation of $35 million. This stimulus check-based program will be funded by the dollars of taxpayers- which most residents would be receiving monthly checks of up to $1,000. The bill states that the program would be prioritizing those residents who have aged out of a foster system as well as pregnant people. Interestingly, this program has no restrictions on the spending of these monthly payments

One of the major advocates of this program, Senator Dave Cortese, has thanked all his colleagues for partnering with him to create this concept which would definitely uplift the lives of Californian citizens. The Senator further stated that he was quite excited that almost 40 million Californians have a chance to see how a guaranteed income based on the current stimulus check program works in their communities. 

Cortese has also mentioned that this program derives its influence from a universal basic income program that was in operation in Santa Clara County the previous year. This offered a monthly check sum of $1,000 per year to young adults who won’t find themselves in foster care anymore. It is hardly surprising that universal basic income is becoming quite popular in the face of the pandemic. As it stands, the pandemic has already spurred Congress to come out with three stimulus check payments- with some calling for a fourth.