Stimulus Check: Californians Are Not Done Yet

Stimulus check
stimulus check

Stimulus Checks have influenced the people of America to a great extent. The government structured three checks at the time of the pandemic. The payments rolled out were $1200, $600 & $1400. 

This money did provide initial assistance. However, it failed to sustain the household in the long run. People in America are suffering from unemployment.

Vociferous calls for the fourth round of stimulus checks have gained momentum. The citizens are desperate for more financial assistance. 

They are doing everything in their power to persuade the government. At one point in time, the push for the fourth round had a political backup. 

Citizens have vociferously asked for the provision of more money. However, the federal government does not seem to be interested at all. The government is more focused on passing the bipartisan bill. 

They believe that the bill would provide the much-needed aid America needs. According to reports, the money provided is not enough to see the Americans for long. 

The amount received by the citizens will soon be used up. Residents of California will however be the happier of the lot. They will be receiving monetary funds worth $1200 this year. 

Let us learn more about them in detail below. 

Stimulus Check Will Be Given To Citizens Of California

California was always a step ahead when it came to stimulus checks. They were the first state in the United States Of America that announced the checks. 

Governor Gavin Newsom termed the checks as Golden State Stimulus. These checks were given to the citizens that earned less than $75000 annually. 

Families were given a check of $600. The state government also gave out $500 checks for the children. 

The state is almost done with dispatching the stimulus checks. However, there are still a lot of families waiting to receive their stimulated funds. 

The number of families still on hold is estimated to be around 60000-70000. They will get the money within the middle of April.