Stimulus Check Update: Golden State Checks Coming Next Week

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Several residents in the state of California will soon be receiving their stimulus check payments under the GSS II program. The main aim of this payment scheme is to support the low-income as well as the middle-income people in the state, and those who have been struggling to stay afloat in these perilous times. It has been estimated that almost two out of every three Californians will be deemed eligible to receive the payment of $600, and the payments are going to be met very soon- possibly the next week itself. 

When Will The Golden State Stimulus Check Payments Be Sent Out?

On the 27th of August, the Governor of California- Gavin Newsom, went on to announce that the first round of stimulus check payments will be sent out the following week. Now, since the payments have been scheduled for the month of September, one can stake a claim that the checks would be arriving in the first few days of the 9th month.

The citizens of the state will be receiving these payments either in the form of paper checks in the mail or through direct deposit. This delivery method has been selected when the tax returns are filed, and the delivery method would definitely have an impact on how one would collect their money. 

One of the major eligibility criteria for the Golden State Stimulus Check II is to have a tax return for 2020 filed. Those who have filed their tax returns later could also have their payments delayed for this very reason- due to a 45-day wait period for those who went on to file their taxes after the 20th of August.

Nevertheless, everyone should be appeased knowing that anyone who has been deemed eligible for the payment will receive their money at some point. For those who have been up to date with their tax returns, they could be receiving their payment this week. 

While the stimulus check payments do seem complicated, the process is quite simple in itself. All one has to do is meet the criteria.