Stimulus Check: Hidden Benefits You Might Find Under These

stimulus checks
Tax Refund

Alongside the Stimulus Check benefits in the package of covid 19 relief that was passed , there was another benefit that not many people noticed. The program was designed to make Americans get a hold of money easily with monthly internet service costs. It also offers a former saving on a new computer cost.

Since the Internet has become essential during the time of the pandemic, FCC took the initiative to help residents from losing internet access. As per the record around 5million households in the US have enrolled in the program since 12th May, the day the program was launched. 

Eligibility And Other Details For This Stimulus Check 

The benefits one can get are :

1: Cut down up to  50dollars  per month on the broadband service cost.

2: People residing at tribal lands will get a discount of up to 75 dollars per month for broadband service at home.

3: Former discount of $100 on the cost of a new laptop or pc or tablet 

FCC said like stimulus check there are several factors to be eligible for the benefits program. Residents who are included in the broadband provider’s program for covid relief are eligible. Residents who got Federal Pell Grant in the current year are also eligible. Households suffering major income crises or with low income can apply for the benefit too.

Criteria that were mentioned :

1: For the single tax filers, household income must be under 99,000 

2: Must be eligible for reduced price or free lunch or breakfast at school during the current or last school year.

3: Ether your income must be under 135% of the Federal poverty line or you are eligible for programs like “food stamps  ” by SNAP or Medicaid

4: ELigibility for the participation at covid programs or low-income programs for broadband providers.

It is expected that like stimulus checks these programs will also help the residents to fight back the crisis due to covid 19. For the full details check the official website.