Stimulus Check: Joe Biden Interested In Child Credit Extension

Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check

Stimulus Check demands have risen over time. The federal government did not seem interested in the idea of more stimulus checks. However, the government has structured a mega infrastructure bill. The bill has been termed “Build Back America” and is waiting to be passed. 

The infrastructure bill has seen a great deal of controversy. Nancy Pelosi vowed to pass the bill several weeks ago. However, staunch opposition from the Republicans made the session a stalemate. The seriousness of the situation was such that Biden had to interfere in the matter. 

He asked the parties to co-operate and reach a decision. The bill has a handsome fund and promises to address people’s woes. The US President expressed his wish for extending the Child Tax Credit. Let us have a detailed look at the decision below. 

Stimulus Check Extension Announced By The President

Joe Biden has announced an extension on the ongoing Child Tax Credit. In a recent announcement, the president stated that the stimulus check will continue beyond December 2021. The Child Tax Credit provides a sum of $300 for kids under seven years. Children within the age of seventeen are entitled to $250 every month. 

Biden had plans of extending the credits for three years initially. However, the idea was highly opposed and criticized by Joe Manchin. This led the President to announce a year’s extension for the time being. 

America is experiencing a great deal of economic turmoil at the moment. The country is suffering from an acute unemployment crisis. People are fearful of another shutdown and are looking for government help. The covid cases have also witnessed a sharp rise in recent weeks. The announcement of a stimulus check extension will surely brighten the mood of the Americans.