Residents Of Minneapolis Will be Receiving A Stimulus Check Payment Of $500 In A Few Days

stimulus check Energy Payment

A guaranteed stimulus check program in the state of Minneapolis will be issued to the residents in the next couple of days. The payment will be a part of the Minneapolis Guaranteed Basic Income Pilot, which was started in June 2022.

This scheme will pay the recipients monthly cash payments until June 2024. Around 200 separate households have been selected for this payment program, and they will have the freedom to spend $500 in whichever way they see fit. The project manager for this income program informed the Washington Examiner that the payments for this program would be processed on the 20th of every month and all the participants involved will receive a sum of $500. 

Stimulus Check Payment In The State of Minneapolis

The stimulus check program is being evaluated under the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, as mentioned by the project manager. To be deemed eligible for this program, every applicant would have to be over the age of 18 by 1st January 2022.

They must also have an annual income that was set at or below 50% of the median income of the area for the state, and must also live in one of the several ZIP codes that have been specified under this program. Also, the applicants need to have been affected personally by the coronavirus pandemic. The qualifying effects could be losing a job, having higher expenses behind medical aid, and losing access to child care. 

The demography of this program would attest to a predominantly black, indigenous, or people of color population. The rest 19.5% would involve white or non-Hispanic. The stimulus check payment will be sent to several families that also had just a single individual.