Some States Are Still Sending Stimulus Check Payments

Stimulus Checks

More than a few states in the country have decided to send in direct stimulus check payments to residents to provide them with some relief from the inflation. The state of Idaho, for example, issued its first round of rebates in March 2022, with the second round of payments coming in September 2022. The state has been sending the funds, which comes to $300 for single filers, and a sum of $600 for joint filers. This would then be sent to the eligible residents, entirely based on when the taxation department of the state ended up receiving their tax return for 2021. 

Stimulus Check Payments Are Being Mailed To Various States

In Maine, the government has issued the residents with a stimulus check payment of $450 to assist in covering the costs of heating. By the time the payments are done, close to 880,000 people will have already received their payments. The Winter Energy Relief payments- which were sent out in January 2023, have been expected to be mailed already. In the state of Massachusetts, taxpayers are eligible for a refund of 14% of the state tax liability. This implies that people who had filed for their 2021 return before the 17th of October, 2022 should ideally receive their refund in December 2022. 

In New Mexico, the residents who have applied for the stimulus check payments will receive a refund of $500 for individual filers, and a sum of $1000 for those who would file jointly. But one needs to remember that they would have to wait till May 2023 to file for the 2021 taxes to receive this rebate. New Jersey, on the other hand, has been sending residents stimulus payments in the form of property tax rebates.