Some States Could Be Issuing Stimulus Check Payments In June

stimulus check

Due to the inflation that has continued into the new year, and a surplus in the budget, quite a few states have been looking towards distributing more stimulus check payments and tax refunds to the residents in their states.

In the state of California, the residents of Los Angeles County, could be eligible for monthly payments which would be in the range of $1000 for two years- largely due to a Guaranteed Income Program, which would run under the name of Breathe. In order to be deemed eligible for this program, one would have to be a resident of Los Angeles County, be around 21 years of age, but under the age of 24 as of 1st September, 2021, and should have been in foster care till the age of 18 or even later. 

Stimulus Check Payments In A Few States

In the state of Georgia, the state government will be issuing rebates in the form of stimulus check payments of $250 for individuals, as well as a sum of $500 for the couples. These will be kept aside for residents of Georgia who have already filed for a return in both the tax years 2021 and 2022. Those who did file before the 18th of April will also be receiving their payment no later than the month- which the government believes could take up to 8 weeks. 

In the state of Massachusetts, the taxpayers are quite eligible to receive a refund of around 14% of the state tax liability. The substantial returns would be a result of a revenue surplus that could exceed state law, and the tax authority was previously tasked with making sure the excess was sent back to the taxpayers.