Stimulus Check Update: Payments Coming To These States

stimulus check
stimulus check

Although Congress hasn’t definitively gone either way for a fourth stimulus check, several states across the country have been bringing out their own stimulus payments. These are being done in a bid to dull the economic blow that has been brought about by the pandemic. The assistance does particularly help those at the lower and medium-income people- yet the amount and the variable of payments have been quite different amongst the 50 states bringing out the payments. 

Stimulus Check Status- Eligibility

Several states have already initiated their process of sending out stimulus check payments to help alleviate some of the financial hardship that was brought upon by the pandemic, and its subsequent lasting measures. Along with that, every month brings with itself new updates, so the situation of the payment does change every single month. 

Residents in the state of Alaska are eligible for qualifying for some extra money through the Federal-State Extended Benefit Program, which would allow them around 13 to 20 weeks’ worth of stimulus check payments. Yet, it must be understood that this is possible for just a certain section of the population, and it mostly depends on how much of this pot of money has been claimed already. Also, the residents of the state have been waiting for updates regarding the annual oil wealth checks. 

Currently, California remains the only state that has issued a stimulus check from their own money- referred to as the Golden State Stimulus. This has been possible due to the tax system in place, where residents with an annual earning between $30,000 to $75,000 would be entitled to a sum of $500 or $600- along with $500 paid to households that have dependent children. The Golden State Stimulus payments have already been sent out to quite a few individuals in the state.