Recurring Stimulus Check Petitions Have Over 3.5Mn Signatures Now

stimulus checks
Tax Refund

There are six petitions ongoing that call for Congress and President Biden to issue monthly recurring stimulus checks worth $2000 for as long as the pandemic lasts. Collectively, they have over 3.5Mn signatures. Over the summer, there had been a surge in the number of COVID hospitalizations, cases, and deaths, but now they are steadily declining.

Stimulus Check Petitions Show Public Support For More Relief

However, even though the petitions asking for more stimulus checks have continued gaining traction on the internet, it does not seem like Congress members are feeling the pressure. The biggest petition on asking for monthly stimulus checks – that of Stephanie Bonin – requests lawmakers to issue monthly stimulus checks worth $1k for children and $2k for adults until the end of the pandemic.

At the time of writing 2,936,800 signatures have been collected. Nearly 50,000 new signatures have been collected in only October so far. Should it reach its 3mn target, the petition will become among the top signed petitions on

There are 5 other smaller petitions that are all for recurring relief payments. Over the past few months, these have also received more support. The first of them was launched when Donald Trump was still president. It requests the US government to keep fighting for monthly checks. Only 1000 signatures are left to reach its goal.

The second petition requests the two Congress chambers and President Biden to support a senator group who asked the White House for more stimulus checks to be included in the upcoming recovery bill. Almost 61,000 signatures have been collected – 15,000 short of its target.

Back in March, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, Senators of Massachusetts and Vermont respectively, as well as other progressive senators had penned a letter to the Biden government asking for their support for recurring monthly stimulus checks.