4th Stimulus Check Latest: Petitions Urge Congress Not To Deprive Citizens When They Most Need It

Stimulus Check Tax Refund
Stimulus Check Affects Tax Refunds In 2023

The federal administration has put the 4th stimulus check on hold as they remain preoccupied with social spending and the infrastructure bill. But several petitions have gone out to the President to continue check support till the pandemic and its economic aftereffects end.

The Child Tax Credit stimulus check is again in the news as the IRS has upgraded their portal to do a more accurate calculation of the stimulus check that will go out to parents.

The monthly stimulus check that started in July will continue till December and give between $250 and $300 to eligible families depending on the age of the child.

Stephanie Bonin Has Urged The Administration Not To Ghost Americans Of Their Stimulus Check

Stephanie Bonin, who started the biggest online petition which has collected almost 3M, has urged the federal administration, not to ‘ghost’ American families that are struggling to provide for even basic needs such as food, rent, and utilities.

Bonin has written that a majority of Americans have been ignored and left to fend for themselves. Worse still, they were given hope, and then had it taken away when they needed it the most.

She urged Congress not to ghost the citizens of America, that is depriving the underprivileged when they are most in need of further stimulus checks. She has asked for the stimulus check to be raised to $2,000 per month and to send them out recurrently till the economy turns around.

She has also demanded that children get another $1,000 per month.

She says that otherwise workers who have been furloughed or laid-off, workers coping with reduced workers, and self-employed citizens will struggle to put food on the table and pay their rent and utilities.

The Senior citizens’ League has also urged Congress to support seniors as they are among the worst affected among citizen groups with limited income and high medical expenses.