Stimulus Check Update: Residents Could Receive More

stimulus check
stimulus check

The petition for another stimulus check, which urges Congress to go ahead and provide families with a payment of $2,000 has been gaining some major traction. As of early October, the petition has been vouched for by around 3,000,000 people- which proves that millions of Americans do need some form of financial help from their federal government.

But, while the petition has definitely attracted the attention of a major part of the American population, it doesn’t seem plausible that the federal government would be coming out with another payment. It has been noted quite a few times that the President is not going to prioritize another stimulus payment. 

In the event that you need some major stimulus check payment to ease you through the pandemic, you should definitely check out if your state is offering some extra support for those who have been affected the worst due to this pandemic. As it stands, quite a majority of the states have already come forward in order to boost the payment of their residents- and if you find yourself living in one of those places, you could find your bank account deposited with some extra cash. 

States Issuing Stimulus Check Money

As of now, there are only five different states that have issued stimulus check money to their citizens. Earlier this year, the Governor of the Golden State, Gavin Newsom, went on to sign a relief package worth $100 billion that also included funding in the range of $12 billion that was earmarked directly for stimulus payments. The state will be issuing payment of $600 to the residents- and interestingly, almost two-thirds of the residents do qualify for this payment. 

Florida has also decided to splurge some extra cash to first responders, who would be seeing some extra pandemic stimulus check relief through the Florida Heroes Initiative- a thank you to the residents.