Stimulus Check Update: The Support On Offer In These States

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stimulus check

Our guide will help you understand the stimulus checks and the other financial supports offered by the states.

Financial aid has been offered to low- and medium-income families across the United States throughout the pandemic, with stimulus checks coming to the rescue for many in the worst parts of the pandemic.

The federal government has now taken the decision to shift the power onto state governments, so it is now their responsibility to ensure that their citizens are being financially supported. There are still some stimulus checks on offer, but increasingly financial aid is offered through a variety of programs.

Various Stimulus Checks Offered By The States

A number of states have already sent out fourth stimulus checks, while others are preparing to bring in new legislation that will help Americans this November.

The Alabama state government launched the ‘Altogether’ campaign, but this isn’t providing residents or businesses with much COVID-19 relief. 

Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy wants to transfer the additional revenues the state is earning this November from increased oil production to the pockets revenues.

Arkansas has even gone to court in a legal battle against its own residents after ending federal unemployment benefits worth $300 per week. 

California is the state that has been the most helpful to its citizens so far, launching the Golden State Stimulus in two parts: Golden State Stimulus I and Golden State Stimulus II. The checks of Golden State Stimulus II were for between $600 and $1,100 and should have been received by the 31st of October.