Stimulus Check Update: Delaware Residents Would Receive A Payment Of $300

Stimulus Check Disability Benefit
Stimulus Check

It has been made common news that several counties and states throughout the country have been issuing stimulus check payments. These payments would help residents deal with the rising cost of living, along with the rapidly increasing inflation rates. As of now, Delaware seems to be the latest state to embrace this philosophy, as the stimulus payment from this state would be providing eligible residents with a one-time payment of around $300. The first round of payments will be issued by the end of May.

Delaware Residents Will Receive A Stimulus Check Payment

Back in April, the Governor of Delaware, John Carney, had approved the Delaware Relief Rebate Program for 2022. Under this program, residents who went on to file a state income tax return for the state would be receiving a stimulus check payment of $300. Married couples who filed their return jointly will be receiving a stimulus payment of $600. This program was specifically developed in consideration of the several economic hardships that were faced by the multiple families in Delaware as they came out of the pandemic- only to fall neck-deep in high energy and grocery costs. 

Under the guidelines of the stimulus check payment, residents wouldn’t have to be an adult in order to qualify for this payment. This implies that anyone who filed a personal income tax return for the state in 2020 by the deadline, will be qualifying for the stimulus payments whether or not they were previously claimed as a dependent by any single person. However, it has been mentioned that deceased family members will not be receiving any of the stimulus money. Those who previously died since they filed the tax return for 2020 will not be qualifying for the new stimulus money. 

Non-filers will also be eligible for the stimulus check money, and the state government will chalk up a plan to involve them in the distribution too.