Stimulus Check Update- Senior Citizens Will Not Be Receiving A Payment

Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check

Ever since the third round of stimulus check payments started arriving in the bank accounts of citizens, several have clamored about the possibility of a fourth payment. Now, those who were deemed eligible for the third round of payments received up to a sum of $1,400 if they filed single, but married couples did receive a payment of up to $2,800. As it is widely known by now, the payments were solely intended to help individuals pay for their bills as well as boost the economy during the coronavirus pandemic.

Social Security Recipients Haven’t Been Receiving Extra Stimulus Check Payments

When mainstream media went on to ask if people who were receiving Social Security benefits will be receiving a stimulus check of $1,400- the answer they received was negative. A spokesperson from the IRS clarified that there were no other stimulus payments in play that were authorized by law.

After all, it goes without saying that Congress would have to enact legislation for such a proposal after which it would have to be signed into law by President Biden in order to authorize additional stimulus payments. This hasn’t taken place for any of the stimulus payments that have been issued to recipients of Social Security. 

But, this in no way implies that additional stimulus check payment hasn’t been proposed. The chairman of the Senior Citizens League, Rick Delaney, recently sent a letter to Congress in October 2021, where he proposed a Social security stimulus payment of $1,400 for seniors- but Congress has yet to act on this particular request. Social security does provide people with an income when they end up retiring or are unable to work due to disability.

Delaney went on to argue that these forms of stimulus check payments could easily offset most of the higher taxes that were in play.