Stimulus Check Update- Three Important Payment Deadlines

stimulus checks
Tax Refund

It has been reported that quite a few deadlines are approaching for a vast section of the American population which would allow them to make a last dash for stimulus check payments. Incidentally, the first of June will be the last opportunity for parents as well as taxpayers to claim the cash payments which have ranged from $50 to $800. As of now, there are three important programs with their key deadline dates on the 1st of June- when you would need to submit your application to receive the payment that would be delivered to your account. 

Stimulus Check Programs To Look Out For

The first program would be the Chicago Moves program, a stimulus check program that would issue $12.5 million in transportation relief in the form of gas and transit cards. Through a lottery, the state will be issuing up to 50,000 prepaid gas cards for a sum of $150. The city will then be holding random drawings during the second week of every month through September in order to distribute the cards. The next deadline to apply for the gas card would be the 1st of June. 

The second program would also be the Chicago Moves stimulus check program, which would also be providing 100,000 prepaid transit cards for a sum of $50. Residents who could be missing out on the deadline would still be able to apply for the drawings through September. Interestingly- if one doesn’t get selected in a drawing, they would still be allowed to automatically enter into the pool that will take place the next month. In order to apply for the program, one would have to be an adult resident of Chicago, and also have a valid City sticker. 

The third program would apply to the citizens of Connecticut where the families could be receiving a stimulus check sum of $250 per child under the new child tax credit program. In order to receive the payment, single filers need to have an annual income below $100,000, and heads of households will need to have an income below $160,000.