$1000 Surprise Stimulus Checks Have Been Announced

Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check

State and local governments have stepped in to fill the hole by giving residents stimulus checks. Several stimulus checks, some worth up to $1,000, are being issued to residents in several states.

California looks to be on the approach of reviving a program akin to the Golden State Stimulus, which handed out hundreds of millions of dollars in stimulus checks last year.

$1000 Stimulus Checks For Teachers

Governor Ron DeSantis’ proposed boost in financing for Florida public schools includes $1,000 stimulus payments to teachers for the second year straight and a raise in teacher salaries from $40,000 to $47,500.

In November, DeSantis unveiled his education budget plan. He proposed more money for instructors and students in grades K-12 and investments in innovative educational programs.

During the current teacher shortage, exacerbated by the coronavirus, the Governor plans to utilize federal stimulus money. He hopes to reward and incentivize Florida’s 179,000 teachers and principals with $1,000 incentive payments.

Full-time pre-kindergarten through 12th-grade classroom teachers and principals will be eligible for the one-time $1,000 payment.

The budget also includes $600 million for teacher compensation, up to $50 million from last year, to meet the goal of a teacher’s wage of $47,500.

Unlike last year’s bonus checks, the $1,000 payments will not come until the start of the school year in the autumn. Senator Kelli Stargel claims that the budget allocates “record cash” to Florida’s education fund.

In addition, $421 million is set aside in the budget for school safety and mental health initiatives. It will spend $42 million on the School Hardening Grant Program and $3.5 million on Jewish Day School safety efforts.

As requests for a fourth stimulus check persist, Florida is one of the states that has launched an additional stimulus program to help citizens who have been hit hardest by the epidemic.

California, Colorado, Maryland, New Mexico, New York, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Tennessee, and Texas have all expressed interest in assisting individuals.

Texas, Maryland, and California have already dipped into their state finances to issue a fourth stimulus cheque, joining Florida.