Without The Stimulus Package Deal, Mitch McConnell Refuses To Leave Senate

Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check

This ongoing week might turn out to be the decisive time for the long-awaited and complicated deal for the stimulus package as the lawmakers struggle to offer emergency relief before the holidays begin.

Congressional officials are attempting to blend a deal that might be out together with the yearly government funding bill. On the other hand, the lawmakers are running out of time with deadlines approaching rapidly.

Stimulus Package: Deadlines VS Extensions

Congress intends to approve the legislative budget before midnight on 18th December, Friday. If not, they will have to implement another temporary solution in order to avoid the shutdown.

The purpose of passing this budget by the leaders is because they intend to attach this legislative machinery with the stimulus package for rapid approval by the Senate.

Nonetheless, 2 of the most complicated problems are still posing to be an issue during the ongoing negotiations. These being the money for local and state governments along with the liability protections. The persistent deadlock owing to the divided opinions between the two political parties who have tried to spearhead the talk to split the $908 billion in 2 ways.

The leaders must now try to find a solution to resolve the differences springing from the legal side that is supported by the Republicans along with the relief programs for citizens that are backed by Democrats.

Mitch McConnell, Majority Leader of the Senate, has already issued a warning to the lawmakers that they will not be getting any Christmas vacation for them if they fail to reach an agreement over the stimulus package.

Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker, and several members have been staying in late due to the negotiations which have been making considerable progress, as said by McConnell.

The leaders must try to reach a conclusive decision within the next few days if they want to provide a reasonable stimulus package to Americans before the holidays begin.